A Very Warm Welcome To The Online Learning & Development Platform For The Integrated Fitpro®

Where I will challenge your beliefs, and those of your clients, about your role as a massage, movement or physical therapist and what you can do for them, in an industry that puts you in a box and works very hard to keep you there!

Start Your Journey Of Exploration And Discovery By Downloading My "Train Your Brain Series" PDFs

Click On The Images Below

To Stretch To Not To Stretch?

To Stretch To Not To Stretch?

Suggestion: Read This PDF First

In this FREE PDF for Clinical Massage Therapists, Movement Specialists and Physical Therapists I answer the question "To Stretch Or Not To Stretch".

I do this by applying a series of important clinical analysis questions that should be asked before we decide to stretch ANY tissue 'simply because we THINK it's Tight'.

Download Your Personal Copy Of This PDF.

The Crucial Missing Link For Soft Tissue Specialists

The Crucial Missing Link For Soft Tissue Specialists

In this FREE PDF for Clinical Massage Therapists, Movement Specialists and Physical Therapists I introduce a GAPING HOLE in soft tissue therapy problem-solving knowledge and skills.

Take your soft tissue problem-solving understanding to an entirely new level!

Download Your Personal Copy Of This PDF.

My Learning Master Plan

Click anywhere on the circular graphic above to view my groundbreaking Learning Master Plan.

You can use this invaluable tool to identify key gaps in your problem-solving understanding and skills as well as access some amazing FREE Learning Resources for you to watch in your own time.

There are NO LIMITS to the results YOU can achieve for YOUR clients, regardless of what our industry or anyone else tells you, when you:

Hello, Simon Wellsted @ The Integrated Fitpro Here

My passion is inspiring Movement Therapists, Massage Therapists and Physical Therapists To STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD, becoming THE EXPERT in their field, so it is a NO-BRAINER for clients to CHOOSE THEM instead of any other body-working Professional.

Far too many movement therapy, massage therapy and physical therapy professionals think, say and do precisely the same as everyone else, for example ...

❌  Believing that postural, gait or other movement assessments tell us anything useful about what is going on
❌  Believing that stretching and releasing tight muscles is the right thing to be doing
❌  Believing that strengthening weak muscles is the right thing to be doing
❌  Believing that treating what we feel or what we see resolves muscle, pain or injury problems
❌  Believing that harder and deeper soft tissue work is effective
❌  and many other highly perilous myths and beliefs ... 

Resulting in them getting lost in the crowd and seen by potential clients as the same as everyone else, so they believe that all they have to compete on is their price! 😪 
However, imagine for a moment: 🤔

✅  That clients naturally choose YOU over ALL other Professionals, regardless of who they are or what they do!
✅  That you never have to worry about your price again!
✅  That clients arrive at YOUR door and recommend YOU because YOU are KNOWN as THE BEST Professional at solving THEIR specific problem!
✅  Problems that no other professional, anywhere, has been able to successfully solve!
✅  So that YOU become the NATURAL, OBVIOUS CHOICE - It's a no brainer! 

What is my learning & development platform all about?

I am a sports therapy professional, educator, mentor, and coach specialising in inspiring movement, massage and physical therapy professionals, just like you, to become better at what they do than they have ever dreamed was possible by getting to the bottom of recurring movement, injury, and other frustrating musculoskeletal issues that other professionals have been unable to solve.

Issues that, like with my own sporting back injury, people have been struggling with for a very long time, receiving conflicting explanations, conflicting advice and conflicting interventions from many different professionals, none of whom have provided a robust and sustainable solution.

This was me 30 years ago and is what drives my passion for what I now do.

There are very clear reasons why this conflicting advice and explanation occurs so frequently, and after over 10 years of working alongside and learning from the very best in the world in this field, I provide answers to this, along with how YOU can stop this from happening with YOUR clients.

I do this by delivering THE most advanced, THE most powerful, and THE most up-to-date, fully integrated, problem-solving learning and development programmes for exercise, movement, manual therapy, and physical therapy professionals available anywhere!

This site is for movement therapy, manual therapy, and physical therapy professionals who love learning and who are willing to open their minds to new joined-up ways of thinking and working, without fear of learning things that clash with their current beliefs or understanding.

Professionals who are ready to differentiate themselves from their competition by getting results that others simply cannot get by solving problems others simply cannot solve!

Put simply, I will take what you already do so brilliantly, and make you even better!

If fact, you have the potential to become one of THE best movement and musculoskeletal problem solvers in the World!

I turn conventional wisdom on its head and show you far better ways to think about (and work with) any movement or other musculoskeletal problem your clients come to see YOU to SOLVE for THEM.

I push boundaries and challenge everything to do with exercise, movement, muscle (mis)behaviour and the whole approach to manual and physical therapy clinical reasoning and practice, so the joy for our clients comes in discovering and exploring groundbreaking new things that elevate results to extraordinary new levels, leaving the competition way behind!

From one of my amazing clients ... "I'm astounded by what I’ve learned ... and how this knowledge gives me the potential to set myself apart from the rest of the competition locally".

From another ... "I’ve learned so much from you since I started working with you. You've tipped my Sports Therapy degree upside down all over the floor and then re-built it, all for the better".

If you are an extremely curious, independent-thinking Pilates (or another movement) specialist, sports massage, sports therapy or physical therapy professional, who is passionate about learning new ways of using your amazing skills to deliver even greater impact, achieve even greater reach, generate even greater income and also achieve even greater results for your clients? ...

With an insatiable appetite for solving problems and learning as much as you possibly can about how the amazing human body works and moves so that you can finally stop chasing and treating symptoms and instead be able to explain and solve some of the most common and frustrating exercise, movement, pain or injury challenges that clients come to you to solve?

Wow! I’ve just described myself, my team and my amazing clients to a tee, and I’m hoping I’ve just described you too.

If you'd like to experience all this for yourself, then I provide 5 TOTALLY FREE WAYS in which you can do this:

  • Become totally savvy about my FREE '10 SMART Shifts’ in Thinking - yes these shifts challenge what we are all taught and yes they are very different to what everyone else is doing. But that's the whole point! ➜ Click on the button below or on the link in the header above.

  • I have Free Video Training where I take you on a game-changing journey of discovery into what ‘TIGHT’ actually means and the process of applying Smart Problem Solving ➜ Click on FREE VIDEO TRAINING at the top of the page to get access.

  • Finally, I offer a Free 45-minute Coaching Call to those who fully complete my FREE training where I can answer all of your questions from the free training and also explore a specific client issue through a new lens based on the free training, providing you with a clear action plan.

OK, so let’s get to the nub of the challenge

If you are already great at what you do BUT you are open to thinking and working differently from everyone else, so that you:

  • Really stand out head and shoulders over all of you your competition? 
  • Get better results than everybody else?
  • Becoming THE go-to professional in your area?
  • So that clients naturally choose you over all the other professionals out there?

(Especially right now as lockdown is eased and the "new normal" evolves.)

But ... You don't know where to start?   You don't believe you have what it takes to stand out?   You are constantly comparing yourself with everyone else and believing that the only differentiator you have is price?   And furthermore believe that clients won't pay you what you are truly worth? 

Then you are definitely in the right place.

I see and hear these very common limiting beliefs, concerns and blocks every day - and yes, I’ve had them all myself in the past, so I totally understand and get where you are right now. Some I still have!

You might also be a professional with multiple exercise, movement AND manual therapy qualifications, but treating your different disciplines and skill sets as different businesses, with different clients, with different problems - Yes?

We are here to re-frame all these very common beliefs. 
We have a Pilates teacher client who charges over £1000 for their services and Sports Therapy professionals who charge in the high hundreds, all taking their clients on a wonderful journey of discovery, exploration and explanation that they will not have experienced anywhere else before.  All because they are able to see the human body and exercise, movement and injury problems differently and thus get results that other professionals are simply not able to deliver.

This could be you. It's a beautiful journey I started 10 years ago whilst working in my own soft tissue therapy clinic in a private gym. And it's a journey I love bringing to professionals just like you.

We will help you to see and assess the human body in beautiful new ways, to look at exercise, movement, injury and common chronic problems through a completely different set of lenses and then confidently combine these different perspectives so that you become THE consummate, "go-to" exercise, movement or manual therapy problem-solver for your clients.

And - if you happen to be blessed with multiple qualifications (e.g. you are a personal trainer or Pilates specialist who also has a manual therapy qualification or vice versa) - we will show you how to seamlessly combine the wonderfully powerful skills you have to get even better results for your clients than you do today.

Results that will literally blow your competition out of the water.

Results Don’t Lie!  The best source of new clients is always those who come to you through their knowledge of the extraordinary results that YOU get

Here, one of our clients describes her amazing journey with us.

And you can start to achieve extraordinary results like Beth's with the groundbreaking online training available through this site.

I guarantee no miracle products and no proprietary systems or methods.

Just YOU, in your own GENIUS, doing what YOU do best, but using pure science to transform your results which in turn will transform your status, your positioning and hence your reach in the industry, completely changing the perception in your clients around what you can do for them and where they should turn to achieve THE best results.

Who of course is YOU!

And at the same time completely bemusing and frustrating the other professionals local to you!

Another amazing client quote ... "I've learned more from you in one session than I learned from anyone else I have spoken to".

Results! Results! Results!

The simplest and easiest  way to stand out from your competition is for you to develop such a devastatingly powerful “unfair advantage” that gets you even better results than anybody else:

  • Results that turn client heads,
  • Results that other professionals won’t understand, 
  • Results that other professionals won’t know how to replicate, 
  • Results that other professionals simply won’t be able to compete with. 

And that powerful unfair advantage is learning how to seamlessly integrate the truly powerful skills you already have!

Allow us to open your eyes ...

To powerful new ways of thinking and working, enabling both you (and your clients) to learn far more about what's going on with their bodies and why things are happening than ever before, so they (and you) achieve extraordinary results.

Remember, results don't lie!

Joined-Up Thinking & Joined-Up Working

No single human body system is more important than any other, just as no single body working discipline is more important (or indeed better) than any other. 

And, no single body working discipline can solve the majority of movement or other musculoskeletal issues on its own.

It doesn't matter what your core discipline or skillset is, we all provide really important pieces of a hugely complex but beautiful jigsaw puzzle - BUT, not all the pieces!

What marks a really great professional is a desire and capacity to understand where they fit into the big jigsaw AND how all the systems act together in the human body in a systemic way.

So we will teach you groundbreaking new cross-discipline information and skills about the amazing human body jigsaw puzzle that will give you a totally unfair "results" advantage over every other PT, Pilates professional, manual or physical therapist in your area.

As a result, you will literally eliminate your competition pretty well overnight!

Some Testimonials - Starting With Beth Redfern

Beth Redfern Pilates and Movement Therapy

Working with Simon and Christina has been absolutely fantastic.  Everything has been completely tailored to me, what I wanted to know and the types of issues that I work with with my clients. The face-to-face training sessions have been really fun and informative, as well as mind blowing! Outside of these sessions the ongoing support has been second to none, with Simon being endlessly patient with my many questions.

Simon has taught me so many things - not least that we shouldn’t make general assumptions about what’s going on in someone’s body. It’s given me a logical and  systematic approach to be able to work out what is actually happening, which helps me problem solve and determine the best and most effective way to work with each individual person (just because on the face of it two people present with the same pain or issue it doesn’t necessarily mean we should be working with them in the same way) . 

I was able to start implementing what I was learning into my work with clients pretty much immediately. Through working in this new way I have seen some of my clients achieve amazing changes very quickly. So much so that I was recently questioned by the chiropractor treating a mutual client about what I had been doing as he was so astounded by the change in her. Another client told me that I had given him more information about his body in one session than he had gained from seeing various specialists over the previous 3 months. 

It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for both my own personal development and my business.

Heidi Thomson - Rehab Specialist Based In New Zealand

Thanks to you Simon! I just find it so refreshing not to apply a rigid regimen to my therapy.

That is what always frustrated me, my clients frequently did not fit what the books said was happening with the person or tissues.

Now I enjoy a detective approach, which opens one up to every possibility or perspective, and my clients really enjoy being part of their own healing journey. 

Every day I am grateful for the knowledge you keep imparting to me. 

And my clients are so grateful too, saying "oh wow!" when they feel the changes you have taught me to do. 

Thank you so very much Simon for always asking "why" and "what can I do better for my client".

Natalie Holdcroft - Sports Therapist

After taking part in the coaching programme not only am I astounded by what I’ve learned and how my industry can move forward but also how this knowledge gives me the potential to set myself apart from the rest of the competition locally- along with providing a personalised, almost ground breaking wider knowledge based treatment to my clients. 

I now understand why coaching is different to a course- which is a template... coaching is so much more than this! Personalised to my knowledge, clients and to the direction I see my business going and the type of clients I ultimately see myself attracting and working with. 

I am loving my newfound knowledge and confidence and so are my clients, receiving treatment that you “can’t get elsewhere” as one client put it. 

Thank you, I can’t wait to continue on my journey !!!!

Lauren Palmer - Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist

I just want to write a personal post about my experience with a one-to-one coaching day!

I can honestly say my eyes have been opened and have fallen in love with what I do again! The knowledge from both Simon and Christina is amazing and no question is too great. They back this up with constant guidance via WhatsApp and I couldn’t be more thankful for sharing their knowledge with me. 

This has made me so excited at the changes I can make for others and to learn so much more.

Christina Chalmers

Body Intelligence Sports Therapy & Wellness Solutions

Feeling inspired. This brings all the pieces of the jigsaw together and makes it all work so much better. It way beats everything I have ever done hands down. I am being challenged and stretched and this is pushing my capabilities conceptually, theoretically and practically further than I ever have before. This has massively improved my knowledge and understanding. And most importantly it has improved my patient outcomes! - I can't thank you enough for taking me on this journey.

My Epic Mentor - Jo Abbott

Working with Simon is always a pleasure: he has always asked the questions most are afraid to ask. He has never been afraid to stand out from the crowd and is always keen to share a debate with like-minded individuals. Simon offers multiple tools that deliver high-quality Coaching to professionals and continues to push his own understanding of the human body and its complex systems.

Jo Abbott MSc, Biomechanist, Clinical Anatomist, Sports Nutritionist, University Researcher & Lecturer

This is the real impact our clients deliver!

Helping to take somebody off the surgery list when everyone else has failed to establish what's going on, is HUGE!

Like What You Hear? Want To Join The Best Problem-Solvers In The World?

Here Are 3 Options For You ...

(1) Click HERE to find links to groundbreaking FREE digital downloads as well as other resources and full coaching programme details.

(2) If you'd love a chat, you can book a totally free, no-obligation call with us by clicking on the following button.

On this free video call, we will explore how, through seeing things through a different pair of glasses can massively Stand You Out from the crowd.

(3) If you are not quite ready to dive into our groundbreaking training but like what you see and hear, why not join our totally free professional Facebook community where we have nearly 600 like-minded professionals just like you (high performing, curious, wanting to be even better at what they do). Ping us an online message and we will reply with the Group link.

Training Products and Downloads You Can Select From:

Digital Downloads

  • Free

The Crucial Missing Link

  • Download

In this FREE PDF for Clinical Massage Therapists, Movement Specialists and Physical Therapists I introduce a GAPING HOLE in current soft tissue therapy problem-solving knowledge and skills. Take your soft tissue problem-solving understanding to an entirely new level.

  • Free

To Stretch Or NOT To Stretch?

  • Download

In this FREE PDF for Clinical Massage Therapists, Movement Specialists and Physical Therapists I answer the question "To Stretch Or Not To Stretch". I do this by applying a series of important clinical analysis questions that should be asked before we decide to stretch ANY tissue 'simply because we THINK it's Tight'.

Free Training

  • Free

Introduction To Biomechanics For Soft Tissue Therapists

  • Course

Think you know what biomechanics is and what it means? Think again! A groundbreaking Zoom Training and Q&A Session with a live audience, answering WHY knowledge of this crucial missing piece of the jigsaw is SO important to us as soft tissue therapists.

  • Free

Mind The Gap & 'The Big 4'. Free Training For Professionals Who Want To Stand Out From the Crowd

  • Course

When I ask professionals what “tight” ACTUALLY means, they really struggle to answer. In this training, I explore why the assumptions and current teaching around "tight" cause so many issues, both for us and our clients.

  • Free

Taking Your Problem-Solving To The Next Level

  • Course

This short 5-minute video highlights the huge problems with the tenet “treat what you see and treat what you feel” We are all taught to base our treatment plans on: • What the client tells us • What we SEE, (through visual assessments e.g. posture and movement), and • What we FEEL (through tissue palpation and joint movement etc) But, does this give us enough information on which to base a viable treatment plan?

Trial Coaching Experience

  • £197

The Integrated Fitpro® Coaching Experience

  • Course

Experience our RADICAL coaching for a fraction of the usual cost. We charge £3000 for our 3-Month Foundations Coaching Programme but you can experience how we are SO different and SO impactful and at the same time learn some new RADICAL and POWERFUL skills! This experience includes a powerful yet radical practical exercise PLUS a call to explore your findings, answer your questions AND provide next steps skills.

Paid Video Training

  • £499

Professional Integration Series - Core Principles Part 1

  • Course

Join me on a truly magical and inspirational journey of discovery where I will be introducing you to THE CRUCIAL missing piece of the jigsaw that explains muscle tightness, weakness & associated movement issues. Core Principles Part 1 is our entry level technical training that will unlock the hidden secrets of muscle misbehaviour and at the same time give you a new language, a new way of thinking, new skills ...

  • £97

Professional Integration Series - Integration Foundations

  • Course

In this game-changing training for Personal Trainers, Pilates and movement, manual therapy and rehab professionals who want to really stand out from their competition becoming THE go-to professional in their area by doing things differently and getting even better results for their clients, we will open your eyes and minds to new and incredibly powerful ways of enhancing your income potential, your reach and your ...


Any testimonials and examples used in our discussions with you, on our websites and other publicity are not intended to represent that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on many factors, including his or her dedication, desire, and motivation to learn and improve.
Link to our privacy policy
Delivering the only fully integrated advanced learning & development programme for Personal Trainers, Pilates and movement specialists and manual therapy professionals, in the World!